Drones Can Fly Like Bees Now, Make of that What You Will

Human beings have been pretty shameless when it comes to stealing from nature to solve our own problems. Billions of years and the relentless work of natural selection have resulted in some pretty amazing technical solutions within the natural world. Heck, the wing shape of actual birds was the key … Read more

Drone Licence Plates are Now a Thing

If you think about it, needing a “licence plate” on a drone was sort of inevitable. All other aircraft have their registration numbers clearly painted on the outside. Until now, however, FAA rules only mandated that your registration number had to be inside the battery compartment. That way, if your … Read more

Mavic 2 Pro vs Zoom

DJI Mavic 2 Pro vs Zoom: New Mavic has a Showdown with Itself

DJI have finally refreshed the main “Pro” line of Mavic drones. Fans of the original have waited two years, clutching their greasy dollars, deftly avoiding other drone enticements along the way. Now that the Mavic Pro 2 has arrived however, eager Mavic fans face a conundrum. There are two, mutually-exclusive … Read more