Current Rules for Flying Drones and Drone Photography

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current rules for flying drones

Flying a drone as a hobby is undoubtedly cool but unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) can also be used to do a range of practical and useful things.

Aerial photography is one of the most popular options and the reason why there are so many drones with cameras, or drones compatible with GoPro, capable of shooting high quality pictures and video.

Want to turn aerial photography and videography into a business? Interested in creating clips or offering freelance services? If so, you’ll need to complete a very important first step that involves getting acquainted with national drone photography laws.

In order to operate a drone for any business purposes (to make money) in the United States you will need a license.

This is called a Remote Pilot Certificate.

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They’re so confident  they’ll give your money back as well as the $150 test fee if you should fail. 

Registration Requirements

If you live in the US and plan to fly a drone in the country, that weigh 0.55 pounds or more, you’ll have to get the piece registered. FAA launched the registration system as an opportunity for dealing with the numerous violations that have taken place over the past few years.

There isn’t anything particularly difficult or challenging about getting the UAV registered. The procedure is going to cost you five dollars. Keep the following thing in mind – if you’re caught piloting a drone that isn’t registered, you’ll be subjected to a fine that can reach as much as 27,500 dollars.

The Federal Aviation Administration’s Small Unmanned Aircraft System Registration Service is the one responsible for the procedure. The rules apply for unmanned aerial vehicles that weigh 0.55 pounds or more.

All of the registered drones receive a unique identification number. A single number can be used by one pilot, regardless of the number of drones that the person owns. The only requirement is for the drones to be physically marked with the number (for example, having it printed on the side of the drone or simply putting the number on the UAV with a permanent marker).

Drone Photography Laws in the US

drone photography laws in the US

Keep in mind that there is a clear distinction between the hobby use and the commercial use of drones in the US. Although FAA claims that it’s predominantly concerned about safety, the distinction being made has led some people to a different conclusion.

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Professional Drone Photography Course

Get on the fast track to professional drone photography. An affordable and comprehensive course by the pros at Drone Launch Academy.  

Taking photographs for personal use is considered an acceptable activity. Being a realtor and using a commercial drone with camera to photograph a property that’s about to be announced for sale is considered commercial use.

People that want to fly a drone commercially will have to apply for the so-called Section 333 Exemption. It’s a lengthy process and there’s definitely some risk of getting rejected. Companies that are serious about getting the permission to use a drone commercially will usually depend on legal representation to make their case. The good thing is that numerous businesses have already gotten their permit to use a drone commercially.

As you can see, FAA works on a per-case basis. According to January 2016 data published on the FAA website, 3,662 petitions have been granted so far. Because of the serious interest and the big number of applications being received, the process has become even slower nowadays. FAA warns about some serious delays.

Keep in mind that the exemptions are provided with conditions and limitations. Thus, businesses can’t use their commercial drones for any purpose that they deem appropriate. This is yet another reason why getting legal representation and being thorough during the application process will be so important.

A Few Additional Things to Keep in Mind

rules for drone photography

Apart from needing a special permit, companies that own a drone and intend to use it for commercial purposes will also have to adhere to a range of safety guidelines established by FAA.

The common requirements that all of the drone pilots have to follow include:

  • Keeping the flight height below 400 feet AGL (above ground level)
  • Flying the drone within an area that’s located at least three miles away from an airport or a landing strip
  • Keeping the drone within the pilot’s sight at any given time during the flight
  • Keeping the drone away from National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) zones, as well as from temporary flight restriction zones
  • Adhering to flight safety rules (keeping the drone away from wildlife, buildings and pedestrians)
  • Respect all the no-fly zones. You can see a map of no-fly zones here.

In essence, pilots have to use common sense throughout the process to reduce the risk of accidents or serious violations. The problem stems from the fact that many people aren’t aware about these limitations or they simply don’t care. The resulting accidents have forced FAA to impose some limitations and get started with the registration procedure mentioned in the beginning of the article.

Drone Age Limits

The FAA states that pilots who fly drones that meet certain requirements must be 13 years of age or more to register their drone(s). This isn’t to say that an adult cannot register the drone and allow the child to fly it, and children under 13 are free to fly drones that weigh less than 8.8 ounces as long as they follow all applicable local, state and federal laws.

If you are going to put a drone’s remote control in the hands of someone who is younger than 13 then it is necessary to properly train and supervise the child.

Many drones use somewhat complicated control systems that a 13-year old may not be able to manage safely, so check the drone manufacturer’s age recommendations before giving a drone as a gift or allowing children to operate the device.

How Far from an Airport Can I Fly a Drone?

The FAA has made it very clear that drone pilots are never allowed to operate within five miles of an airport.

If you feel the need to fly a drone within that five mile radius then you need to contact the airport directly. Give them specific locations and times, and they may be able to accommodate your request.

National parks, landmarks, monuments and government buildings may also have special airspace restrictions, so if you are near one of these then protect yourself by finding out the rules before you launch the drone.

Even if you know that there is no restricted airspace in your area on most days you should make sure that no special events are planned, as cities often draft special drone airspace regulations for events like the Super Bowl and in other important circumstances.

Common Courtesy – Drone Manners

Some restrictions on drone piloting aren’t written down in the FAA’s guidebook, nor can they be found in any local city council’s charter.

Responsible drone pilots realize that even though drones can be fun to use, they come with a certain degree of responsibility.

Don’t fly your drone over someone else’s private property without their permission.

Don’t fly your drone around playgrounds or schools.

Avoid operating your drone directly above people who are unaware of the drone’s presence, and never fly a drone too close to people as they could suffer serious injuries, or even death.

Flying Beyond Line of Sight

You should never allow a drone that you are piloting to get out of your sight. Even if your drone’s camera can relay images to you in real time there is an ever-present danger of blind spots.

Your drone could lose power and hit someone, or it could fly into restricted airspace.

If your drone goes down but you don’t know exactly where it went down then you could actually lose the drone. You can however use drone trackers to find your lost drone.

Always keep an eye on your drone, and it’s preferable that you keep your drone within a few hundred feet of the controller.

How High Can I Fly a Drone

According to the rather old FAA Advisory Circular, you are not allowed to fly model aircraft more then 400 feet above the surface.

Local Drone Photography Laws and Regulations

local drone photography laws and regulations

National regulations are one thing, local regulations are something completely different.

If you’re in the US and you intend to use a camera drone for commercial photography, you may want to take a look at the state regulations. In 2013, 30 of the states tried to pass regulations against the commercial use of drones. So far, they’ve failed to regulate the field but having some idea about the local rules is certainly a good thing.

The same applies to potential commercial drone photographers that live in other countries. Though many places are only getting started with drone regulations, there are some governments already regulating the use of commercial drones.

Don’t know how to get started on your own? Are you worried that your operations could potentially lead to some penalties? Take some time to do your research about local regulations and even talk to an attorney before establishing your business. It’s better to be on the safe side and you’ve already seen that some of the fines could be quite severe. Having a good idea about the regulations will give you peace of mind and enable you to focus on the activities that you’re passionate about.

Turn your drone hobby into a Drone Business.

Make Money from Aerial Video

A complete guide to shooting, editing and profiting from aerial video from the pros at Drone Launch Academy. 30-days no questions asked guarantee.

DISCLAIMER: We are not lawyers! This is simply an informational article pulling together some legal facts about drone use. It’s your responsibility to make sure you know federal and state laws before you fly your drone!
Jesse Young
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11 thoughts on “Current Rules for Flying Drones and Drone Photography”

  1. your article is paradoxical. it says “being a realtor and using a COMMERCIAL drone for listing photos” is considered commercial use. the link then takes you to a pro drone page with reccomemdations on good drones for real estate use.

    im a realtor. i take my own drone images. i dont perceive this as commercial use. i dont perceive the use of my point and shoot camera, my phone, as commercial. the drone is the same. its a tool.

    • I’m with you, but unfortunately the FAA disagrees with you. We have a commercial license, and we did so just to be completely legal. You may never have a problem, but the rules clearly state that you taking pictures with a drone for your business is considered commercial use.

      I don’t agree with it, but that is how it’s written. You taking pictures with a still camera is the same to me as with a drone when it comes to commercial use. But I didn’t make the rules.

      • I agree, using the drone may assist in the publication of a listing, or situation. The so called Barrier or Wall we are hearing about. Follow the rules, speak with an attorney if needed. Border Drones are popular. AI Technologies can assist . Yet building something long-term to provide temporary Employment is a Good Start !!! Many receive higher pay due to Federal Employment, with many Perks too !!!

    • Your point and shoot camera, and cell phone are not flying around in “air-space” so it’s not the same thing as flying a drone. True, the drone is a tool, just like a cell phone camera, but your cell phone does not fly in air-space. The “faa” regulates/controls air space, so if your flying a drone, then you are operating in “faa” air-space and subject to “faa” laws, rules, and regulation. Unlike a cell-phone, or camera that stay on the ground. I’m a photographer, and know that there are similar rules for photographers, such as can’t photography government buildings, police stations etc.

      • This might sound silly, but what I’m hearing is,that the FAA controls the “airspace”. If this is true, can someone tell me the difference between flying a kite and flying a drone? I bet most folks would agree, that is easier to control a drone than a kite. By the way, I have had a kite several hundred feet in the air when I was a kid. Most real estate photography with a drone would be less than 100 feet…. I think it is just a money grab by the FAA… sadly

    • Respectfully, (and note I don’t agree you should have to get licensed etc… for your use) how can you reach the conclusion your use is not commercial? Your purpose of the images is to sell a property. There’s simply zero ambiguity here with no overlap with hobby use. Marking is by definition a commercial endeavor. If you’re wondering if it’s commercial or not, ask this question, “Am I doing this to make a buck, or is this video only for myself and family?” If you’re trying to make money, it’s commercial, That said, my business card says commercial insurance agent, not attorney at law, so you’re well advised to consult with an attorney.

  2. What would be considered a respectful and non-stressful distance from large wildlife such as elk grazing?

  3. I think there are some good point but I think the process is outdated 🙁 Whats the safety difference between taking a photo for fun or later to sale it.. A hobby pilot can do the same damage or even more then a person that prepares for a “commercial” photo / flight !

    Make the test affordable, more related to drone flying, even with practical test, mandatory insurance like in the EU.
    And go by weight also! I think its a big difference to take a commercial photo with mavic air 400 g only then some heavy 5kg equipment for commercial use..

  4. Hi, technically it is not the UAV but the operator of a UAV weighing more than 250g/0.55lb need to have a registration and put that number on the UAV.

  5. Can you photograph with a drone for legal purposes? Say, if you think a neighbor stole your property, and you fly the drone over and sees your property, is it legal to photograph it?

  6. Would love some feed back on this: Lets say as a hobbyist flying a drone and enjoy taking pictures…. not an issue right. What if I wish to give the pictures / videos that I have taken to a friend who is a real estate agent and do this without any financial compensation back to me….. is there an issue here?

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